WBUR: "Boston’s Health, By T Stop: Neighborhoods Near But ‘Health Worlds Apart’"

Boston's NPR news station features the Child Opportunity Index
Published: 03.30.2015 Updated: 12.09.2022

The Child Opportunity Index (COI) is a measure of relative opportunity across all neighborhoods in a metropolitan area. The index is calculated based on indicators in three opportunity domains: Educational Opportunity, Health and Environmental Opportunity, and Social and Economic Opportunity.

This story from WBUR, a Boston-based NPR news station, focuses on the COI's findings in the Boston area. 58 percent of Hispanic children in Boston live in neighborhoods with the lowest level of access to "healthy development resources," the highest concentration across all 100 metro areas in the study. In comparison, only 9 percent of white children in Boston live in the lowest opportunity neighborhoods.

For more information read the full article, linked below.