The Child Opportunity Index

Measuring and mapping neighborhood opportunity for U.S. children
Published: 09.15.2016 Updated: 11.21.2022

The Child Opportunity Index: Measuring and mapping neighborhood-based opportunities for U.S. Children explores racial/ethnic inequities in children’s access to neighborhood opportunity in the 100 largest U.S. metro areas, with a focused look at how residential segregation affects these inequities. The report describes the construction, capabilities, and limitations of the Index, with guidance on how to interpret the associated maps and equity measures. It further provides examples of how organizations are using this tool to better understand and improve children’s neighborhood environments and outcomes. 

Headshot of Dolores Acevedo-Garcia
Dolores Acevedo-Garcia
Director, Professor of Human Behavior, Research & Policy
Erin Hardy
Erin Hardy
Senior Research Scientist , NORC
Nancy McArdle
Nancy McArdle
Senior Research Analyst
Photo of Mikyung Baek
Mikyung Baek
Senior Research Associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity
Jason Reece
Jason Reece
Assistant Professor, Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University